South Carolina Chiropractic Neurology

Holistic brain based healthcare

Are you suffering from

  • SCC Neuro. Brain health. Fort Mill, SC. Concussions, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, thyroid health, GI health, gut health, weight loss, find health answers.

    Concussion + Post Concussion

    Are you still dealing with the effects of a concussion from month, years, or decades ago?

    Do you have ANY of these symptoms:

    Emotional outburst, chronic pain or discomfort, feeling tired all of the time, muscle spasms, brain fog, constipation, diarrhea, stress or anxious

    Learn how a brain-based healthcare approach may be when you need to RESOLVE and ELIMINATE your concussion symptoms

  • SCC Neuro. Brain health. Fort Mill, SC. Concussions, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, thyroid health, GI health, gut health, weight loss, find health answers.


    Failed prescriptions, failed injections, failed Botox. Have you tried everything with no relief and wondering what’s next?

    Your brain is responsible for inhibiting pain. Changes in emotional stress, hormonal stress, or physical stress alerts your brain to feel pain.

    This sets off an electrical and chemical cascade that can result in a migraine.

    Learn about our innovate and holistic migraine treatment through a brain based approach.

  • SCC Neuro. Brain health. Fort Mill, SC. Concussions, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, thyroid health, GI health, gut health, weight loss, find health answers.

    Metabolic Health

    Difficulty losing weight? Thyroid symptoms? Memory change? Heart burn? GI discomfort? Chron’s? Growing waist line? High triglycerides? Stressed? Lack of motivation?

    Have you tried EVERYTHING to improve your metabolic health and nothing seems to work?

    Our metabolic health and gut health is directly tied to our brain health.

    Learn how to take a brain based approach to improve your metabolic health.

Helping those with

  • SCC Neuro. Brain health. Fort Mill, SC. Concussions, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, thyroid health, GI health, gut health, weight loss, find health answers.

    Decreased quality of life

    Is your health getting in the way of doing the things you love to do?

    Are you thinking about how to age with a healthy brain?

    At SCC Neuro we use a holistic approach to brain and nervous system health without the use of pharmacy or surgery.

    We want to get you back to doing what you love and find relief from symptoms in as few visits as possible.

  • SCC Neuro. Brain health. Fort Mill, SC. Concussions, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, thyroid health, GI health, gut health, weight loss, find health answers.

    Frustrating medical experiences

    Has an endless amount of doctor appointments still left you wondering “what is wrong with me?”

    The human nervous system is a complex network of biological functions. Standard medical treatments tend to focus on a singular symptom or singular condition without addressing the root cause of illness.

    At SCC Neuro, our appraoch evaluates the function of your brain and nervous system to better understand how the entirety of your nervous system is functioning to address the root cause of your symptoms.

  • SCC Neuro. Brain health. Fort Mill, SC. Concussions, migraines, dizziness, vertigo, thyroid health, GI health, gut health, weight loss, find health answers.

    Unexplained symptoms

    Normal blood work, normal MRI, normal scans and left with unexplained symptoms? This is the case for many of our patients.

    It is normal to search for answers as to why our health is declining. When we start to get the answer of “it’s all in your head” it’s probably true. Meaning that our brain and nervous system are responsible for conducting the symphony that is our health.

    At SCC Neuro, our thorough evaluation helps explain symptoms due to functional changes of the brain and nervous system.

Conditions we treat



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