Do you experience ANY of these symptoms?
•Thyroid symptoms
•High triglycerides
•Difficulty losing weight
•Waist over >35" (women) or 40" (men)
•Brain fog
•Always tired
•GI discomfort
•Ulcerative colitis
•Heart burn
•Constipation or diarrhea
•Food sensitivities
Our brain and autonomic nervous system health is directly correlated to our metabolic health and the food we consume, or don’t consume.
In order for our gut to function properly, we must be able to send adequate amount of blood to use as energy to process our food and regulate digestion. Our circulating hormones play a never-ending role in this process to adequately breakdown, digest, and either use, eliminate, or store the energy we are consuming. This is all regulated and controlled by our brain.
The gut-brain axis is a 2 way communication channel between our gut and our brain. This communication channel plays an important role in the health of our brain and our nervous system. Many of our hormones and our immune system are directly related to the health of our gut.
If our metabolic health and gut function is altered, the autonomic nervous system will also be altered.
Our brain accounts for 20% of an individual’s energy expenditure at rest. This means that 1/5 of all of the fuel and energy in our body is being used by our brain. Now, lets think about how our brain is reacting to our body’s metabolic health. The brain is in charge of coordinating every tissue, organ, gland, cell, and molecule in our body. If our body is being riddled with toxic food, household chemicals, stored emotional trauma, and physical trauma there is absolutely no way that the health of our brain is not being directly affected.
If you are like many others, you have tried ALL of the possibilities to get your metabolic health under control.
We are here to say it may be time for a NEW APPROACH to change your metabolic health.
Often times the missing link to our metabolic health is HEALING OUR BRAIN to HEAL OUR GUT AND METABOLIC HEALTH.
LAB TESTING: Pre and post testing!
All blood draws completed at nearest LAB CORP facility.
All salivary hormone testing complete through mail service [male OR female panels]
APPOINTMENTS: 1o virtual appointments total
(1) 60 minute intake exam
(1) 60 minute intake follow up appointment
(7) 20 minute appointments
(1) 60 minute exit exam.
AVAILABILITY: Limited to FIRST 20 members to join!
My passion is to help all of my patients achieve their health goal using natural and holistic brain-based methods. I have a relentless desire for helping others succeed and sharing my knowledge in a resourceful way to help those with whom I work.
I am constantly in awe by the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Through the application of neuroscience, I get to witness neuroplasticity in action and see how my patient’s brain can rewire to adapt and heal themselves.
I’m excited you chose TODAY to get started. Schedule your consultation or book your new patient exam to continue your healing journey.
In health,
Dr. Curtis Criswell, DC